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Community Rules

Welcome to the Connectholics community. Education, honesty and respect for others will be essential here. If you don't follow these principles, you may not last long. Our goal is to allow users to express themselves freely, as long as they do not offend others. Everyone must follow the same rules. We ask that you think before you act and respect our online and offline community guidelines. That's right: your offline behavior can lead to your Connectholics account being terminated.


Below is a list of our community policies. If you violate any of these policies, you could be banned from Connectholics. We encourage you to report any behavior that violates our policies, in addition to checking out our Safety Tips.


Connectholics is not for


Prejudice and hate speech

We ask that you maintain class and act appropriately showing respect for each other and for the characteristics of each individual. We believe in the power of diversity to build the best solutions, elevating individual development by knowing other points of view. Practice empathy and active listening with all your connections.


Any content that promotes, advocates or encourages racism, bigotry, hatred or violence against individuals or groups based on factors such as (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, gender, age, national origin, orientation sexual or gender identity is not allowed.



Do not practice and do not encourage others to practice any type of abuse or harassment directed at other users. Reports of harassment, threats, coercion or intimidation are taken very seriously.


Violence and physical aggression

We do not tolerate violent, graphic or graphic content on Connectholics, nor any actions or content that threatens or promotes violence of any kind, including terrorism. Physical attacks, coercion and any acts of violence are strictly prohibited.


private information

Never post private information, yours or anyone else's. This includes social security numbers, passports, passwords, financial information or unlisted contact information such as telephone numbers, email addresses or home/business addresses.



Don't be fake, be real. Do not use Connectholics to direct people to external websites through links or other resources.


promotions and invitations

Inviting other users on Connectholics is prohibited. It's fine to invite them to some activity you'll participate in, but if the purpose of your profile is to advertise your event or business, your nonprofit, your political campaign, the contest you're participating in, or the survey for which you need volunteers, we may delete your account. It's really cool that you're doing a theater performance next week, but please don't use Connectholics to promote it.


Exceptions will be allowed when the event or activity in question is linked to the purpose of this community. In this case, entercontactwith us and we will be delighted in this partnership.



Connectholics has a zero-tolerance policy for predatory behavior of any kind. Anyone who attempts to obtain other users' private information through fraudulent or illegal activities may be banned. Users who share their own financial account information for the purpose of receiving money from other users will also be banned.


identity forgery

Don't pretend to be someone else.

Do not pretend to be anyone and do not pretend to have affiliation, connection or association with any person or entity.



You must be at least 18 years of age to join the Connectholics community. If you see a profile that may be breaking this rule, please report it immediately.


Copyright and trademark violations

If it's not yours, don't post it. If your Connectholics profile includes any copyrighted image, do not post it unless you have permission to do so.


illegal use

Do not use Connectholics for any illegal activities. We will not accept and period.


One person, one account

Connectholics accounts cannot have multiple owners, all accounts must be personal and non-transferable. Also, do not have more than one account.


account inactivity

If you do not log into your Connectholics account for 2 years, we may delete your account for inactivity.




Connectholics reserves the right to investigate and/or terminate your account without any refund if you have used the Service or behaved inappropriately, illegally or otherwise violates the Terms of Use, including actions or communications outside the Service but involving users known through him.

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